Occupational therapy is one of the broadest types of care available from Happy Hearts. This month we’ll dive into what an occupational therapist does and the warning signs that a child should be referred to an occupational therapist. These services are provided at no charge in the state of Pennsylvania for qualifying children from birth to age three through the early intervention program. If your child struggles with everyday activities, it’s important to get them a free evaluation so they can receive the assistance they need as soon as possible to help them live their lives to the fullest.
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy is about helping people of all ages to be independent with everyday activities (also known as their occupation). A child's occupation is everything he or she does throughout the day. In our target age range of birth to three years, this includes: feeding, self-care, playing, engaging with others, and participating in the environment around them. Our goal is to help each child succeed in their daily routines.
Who Can Benefit From Occupational Therapy?
There are many reasons children may need occupational therapy. We help children with developmental disabilities, learning difficulties, sensory processing disorders, physical disabilities, autism, attention disorders, and many more.
Warning Signs That Your Child Should be Evaluated by a Occupational Therapist
Every child develops differently, and it can be hard to know what’s normal. But according to the CDC’s Developmental Milestones, you should be concerned if your child doesn’t achieve any of the following benchmarks:
By 2 months:
Child doesn’t calm down when spoken to or picked up
Child doesn’t look at your face
Child doesn’t seem happy to see you when you approach
Child doesn’t smile when you talk to or smile at them
By 4 months:
Child doesn’t smile to get your attention
Child doesn’t chuckle when you try to make them laugh
Child doesn’t look at you, move, or make sounds to keep your attention
Child doesn’t open mouth when he sees breast or bottle, even if hungry
By 6 months:
Child doesn’t seem to know people that should be familiar
Child doesn’t look at self in mirror
Child doesn’t laugh
Child doesn’t put things in their mouth
Child doesn’t grab toys they want
Child doesn’t close lips to show when they don’t want more food
By 9 months:
Child isn’t shy, clingy, or fearful around strangers
Child doesn’t have multiple facial expressions, such as happy, sad, angry, and surprised
Child doesn’t look when you call their name
Child doesn’t react when you leave (cry, reach for you, or change expression)
Child doesn’t smile or laugh when you play peek-a-boo
Child doesn’t lift arms to be picked up
By 12 months (1 year):
Child doesn’t play games with you, like pat-a-cake
Child doesn’t wave goodbye
Child won’t put something in a container, like a block in a cup
Child won’t look for a toy they see you hide
Child won’t drink from a cup without a lid when you hold it to their mouth
Child won’t pick up bits of food between their thumb and pointer finger
By 15 months:
Child doesn’t copy other children while playing
Child doesn’t show you objects they like
Child doesn’t clap when excited
Child doesn’t hug stuffed toys or dolls
Child doesn’t hug, cuddle, or kiss you
Child doesn’t point to ask for something or to get help
Child doesn’t use fingers to feed themselves
By 24 months (2 years):
Child doesn’t point to show you something interesting
Child doesn’t put hands out for your to wash them
Child doesn’t look at pages in a book when you read to them
Child doesn’t help you dress them by pushing their arms through sleeves or lifting their feet
Child won’t push a toy car or play with simple toys
Child does not scribble if you give them a pen or crayon
Child will not feed themself
Child cannot drink from a cup without a lid
Child will not try to use a spoon
By 30 months:
Child will not play next to or with other children
Child never says “Look at me!” to show you what they can do
Child does not follow simple routines when told, like helping to pick up toys
Child doesn’t use objects to pretend, like feeding a block to a doll as if it were food
Child cannot take off jacket or pants by themselves
Child doesn’t turn book pages when you read to them
By 36 months (3 years):
Child will not calm down within 10 minutes after you leave them
Child does not notice other children or join them to play
Child will not put on any clothes by themselves, like pants or a jacket
Child will not use a fork
What To Do If Your Child Exhibits These Warning Signs
If you recognize any of these warning signs in your child, it’s likely they'll qualify for free occupational therapy through the early intervention program. Early intervention helps children develop the skills they need to thrive throughout their lives, and trains and equips parents to be part of this important process. A doctor’s referral ISN'T necessary to seek early intervention services. If you’re located in Berks, Schuylkill, Lebanon, Tioga, or Wayne counties, please email JTofany@HappyHeartsLLC.com or call 570-573-3293 to schedule a no cost evaluation.